Sunday 1 May 2016


In this tutorial u will learn how to create simple forest scene by using planes.(you must have the basic knowledge of Photoshop and 3ds max before reading this blog)

Step 1 -Open tree image in Photoshop and create alfa map and diffuse map of trees.
(NOTE : Save the Alfa image in in png format)

STEP 2–Open 3dsmax and Create a plane horizontally from perspective view and that will be our ground surface and add noise modifier like this

STEP 3 – For texturing ground open material editor by pressing ‘m’ and select material and import a bitmap image of ground in diffuse color option and do tilling of the texture of 8 by 8 

STEP 4 – Apply this material to the horizontal plane by dragging texture directry to the plane .

STEP 5– Create a plane from front view for trees .

(NOTE : match the dimension of image and plane)

STEP 6 –After that apply diffuse image of tree to this plane.
For that open material editor by pressing 'M' from your keyboard

STEP 7 -Click on maps and import your diffuse image in diffuse and Alfa map in Opacity.

STEP 8 -Now apply this texture to your plane of trees by dragging the texture to plane.

STEP 9 - Arrange the planes of trees from perspective view like this

STEP 10 – Now I am going to set sky image in background
For that Open environment and effect panel by pressing “8” key .

STEP 11 – click on “none” and then click on bitmap and then import the sky image. (search on google and you will find sky images )

STEP 12 – Create a Omni light and place in the scene.

STEP 13 – Now the only part is left is to create a camera. For that first arrange your view from perspective
Arrange your camera in such a way that forest look realistic.  
To create camera press ( ctrl + C )  and that’s it
After applying camera it should look like this


If you have any question regarding this tutorial then leave comment below.

Now render your scene by pressing (shift + Q )